Optima CT520
Optima CT520 incorporates the best technologies from previous GE platforms—most notably the innovative algorithm, IQ Enhance. Other smart features such as the Volara* 24-bit Digital Data Acquisition System (DAS) and Direct MPR help improve image quality and data management efficiency. Combining power, spatial resolution, and dose-optimization tools, Optima CT520 delivers exceptional image quality and highly efficient imaging—even in regions such as the inner ear, lungs, and bones.
Built on reliable and proven technology, the Optima CT520 combines advanced clinical capacity with economic value. And it will continue to meet your clinical needs long into the future. A strong field service network backed by digital services and remote capabilities, along with a wide range of educational opportunities, ensure lifetime support.
With the Optima CT520, you’ll gain a whole new perspective for interventional procedures.
Equipment Key Highlights
- SmartView Fluoro combines advanced visualization techniques with real-time reconstruction and display. A nominal image lag of only 0.20 second gives you the confidence you need for CT-guided interventions, such as core, lung, and retroperitoneal lymph node biopsies; drainage procedures; pain management procedures; and ablations. Get to your target precisely using the fast image displayas your guide.
- ASiR - Typically, dose reduction causes an increase in noise (pixel standard deviation) and image artifacts. But GE’s industry-breakthrough Adaptive Statistical Iterative Reconstruction (ASiR) solves this by subtracting noise, not merely masking it. ASiR also delivers enhanced image quality by improved low-contrast detectability (LCD). The result is better patient care with a dramatic reduction in dose of up to 40% with no loss of image quality.
- VISR Volumetric Image Space Reconstruction (VISR) provides a 3D filter that reduces noise without compromising resolution, for clear visualization of brain, tumor, and pediatric cases. With the VISR 3D filter, the scanner delivers up to 20% image quality improvement at the same dose, or the same image quality with up to 36% dose reduction.
- Optidose features allow you to actively manage dose across exam types.
Additional Workflow Enhancement Features
- Real-time Scout image is displayed in real-time during the scan. By stopping the scout acquisition when the necessary anatomy is covered, you help patients avoid unnecessary X-ray exposure.
- SmartPrep software offers real-time contrast tracking. Scanning is automatically triggered when the IV contrast enhancement value meets user-defined thresholds.
- Flexible Filming Workflow provides more layout choices, so you can choose the number of images on each film or even customize the film layout as needed. You can also edit films for multiple patients in parallel and print them together in one batch.
- Emergency scanning mode helps you launch and finish emergency exams faster than normal CT procedures. Technologists can set up exams with easy-to-understand symbols and automatically position the bed using the touch screen and foot pedal. The patient can be scanned in a few minutes. Simultaneous image acquisition, reconstruction, and analysis also accelerate the workflow. Anatomy-specific protocols provided on the operator console make review more efficient.
- Xtream Injector interface sets injector device parameters automatically and can synchronize scans and injections, minimizing the opportunity for user error. Protocols can be pre-programmed using injection set-up screens, which are fully integrated into CT protocols.